yesterday evening I arrived back in Germany. After having changed my stuff and clothes, I am almost on my way to Milan in Italy.
I will drive to Milan together with two other fellow students...hopefully we won't encounter any traffic jams or else on our way....
Talk to you when I find an internet connection in Milan.
See you...
Today it's my last working day in London, before I will fly back to Munich tommorrow afternoon.
Although the day started very good in terms of the telephone conversation with Hong Kong, I feel really horrible.
A friend of mine from Munich arrived in London yesterday, so we went out till very early in the morning. Conclusion: I didn't sleep long, I still feel a little bit drunk and my stomach plays its own games with me.....reeeeally sad!
Holy ...,
my colleague here in London just approached me and gave me the tel. number of the guy in charge of the Hong Kong office.
I gave him a call and we had a short chat about the possibilities in working with them in Hong Kong.
Wow...everything went so quickly....he'll get in touch with me again the next days.....hopefully with good news! Fingers crossed.
It is really astonishing. Almost every day some other news arise and the tactical game I shall pursue is a real mental challenge.
Although things look like that I might be working in Munich or Mexico this summer, today I received a message that there might be a real possibility for me to work in Hong Kong with the company I am currently involved in here in London.
Holy cow, I know this may all sound a bit surreal and I am also aware of that I shall be very lucky to have these kind of possibilities. Indeed I am very proud of it but hey, in the end I only have a definite offer from Mexico until now.
We'll see what's going to happen next. There will be a call with Hong Kong tomorrow before I leave the company here in London.
I just received another call from the company I got promoted to the next interview round in March. Now it's official, they've booked me on a flight from Milan to Munich for a one day trip on 10 March...
...and I haven't fixed the issue with my intermediate diploma yet....urx....I just would like to postpone sending the document as long as possible, but I think they wanna have it the next days.....uaaaaahhh.
I've been out yesterday having my leaving drinks with a bunch of colleagues from work. It's been great fun and fluid.
However the evening was shattered by the FCB 1-1 Madrid score after FCB goalkeeper Oliver Kahn did make a terrible mistake which took victory away from FC Bayern.
Tonight there is the showdown taking place in Munich, when local football team FC Bayern faces Real Madrid.
Although Bayern recently won their last German Bundesliga match due to a late goal from Argentinian defender Demichelis, I think the squad is not in a good shape to beat Real tonight. But hey, fingers crossed....who knows...
a few weekends ago, I went - together with one of my roommates - watching a domestic football match hosted by the Londoner football club Chelsea FC.
It was great fun, although the match ended only 1-0 for Chelsea. Here are some pics:
Amazing! It's almost over.....another five months abroad in London are going to be over the forthcoming Saturday.
It has been quite busy the past days at work, which is good. Tomorrow evening I'll have my "official" leaving drinks with my colleagues here at work. Foolish me, that I made up the appointment for tomorrow evening, when Bayern Munich will play against Real Madrid....I hope to escape early in order to watch the match in the Sportsbar.
This weekend, a student fellow of mine and I, we finally found a small appartment in Milan. It has been a really tough challenge and in the end, it will be more expensive than living in London....imagine!!!
However, it remains a challenge to "survive" the first days since our new home will be only available from 10 March.
I'll keep you updated.
I did receive the expected phone call today.
Again, there is a good and bad news. The good news is that I was accepted to move to the next interview round which involves a one day trip to Munich in March. During this one day, I'll get to know possible future colleagues and will have to deal with case studies in order to proof my ability to work properly with them.
Beyond this tough task it sounds to be a positive notice. However the bad news is that they want to see my intermediate diploma certificate from my first university, which I didn't send them since I submitted the most recent certificate of my current university. They won't definately be satisfied with my achieved results from my first university since they are real rubbish.
When they'll read it, they will surely think over of inviting me to them personally. Anyways, I think this means I won't get the job there, which is really a pitty in terms of a missed long-term boost in my curriculum. Things more likely show that I will move on to Mexico this summer....
I assume, today will be one day which decides my forthcoming stay this summer. It obviously depends on whether or not I am promoted to the next interview round of one of the yesterday's interviews.
If I would get rejected, the probability in doing the internship in Mexico this summer becomes again more and more likely to happen. In the meanwhile I received a phone call from the company I had this strange video conference interview with. Well, in the end they rejected my application....
Like I said, today could be decision day......
UPDATE: The guy didn't call me so far. I think I'll have to wait until next week. ;-(
Puhhhhhhh.....I am exhausted.
I just finished my second and last telephone interview today referring to a possible internship employment this summer.
It has been quite tough in terms of the questions which I had to answer. A bunch of questions covering financial theories on which I haven't been involved with for almost two years when I moved from LMU.
By tomorrow I'll get to know from one internship option if I'll be granted to proceed to the next interview round.
I definately have to get something to drink tonight to refresh my little brain...fortunately today it's German regulars' table day. ;-)
Although I am still in London, yesterday my university semester at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy started yesterday.
After a tremendous act of bureaucracy, a fellow student of mine, who will study there together with me for one semester, arrived in Milan earlier yesterday, and achieved to manage the first bureaucratic processes on the spot. Thanks a lot to him for his support.
Since I have a contract until the end of this month the company I work for here in London, I didn't have any possibilities to terminate earlier in order to start my university courses in time.
After a relaxed weekend with lots of delicious food and sightseeing, I took my friend from Germany back to Paddington station to get the Heathrow Express to the airport.
Though it's getting back to normal life again, however this won't last long since two other friends of mine will come over to London the end of next week for a couple of days before we all move back to Germany together at the end of this month.
It's incredible how fast these five months in London lasted...
Another week is almost over.
Unfortunately, I am currently unable to upload pictures I took last weekend when watching the Chelsea football team in their stadium at Stamford Bridge here in London. As soon as I get access to the ftp server, you'll find the pictures here in my diary.
Short update on my study term in Milan, which I will begin in a two weeks time: After a horrifying act of bureaucracy, with the kind support of a friend of mine in Munich (many thanks to my buddy!), I finally received the needed certificate which had to be legalised by the Italian Consulate in Munich. Now, hopefully everything should be fine and I am looking forward to receive the first news from a student fellow who will move to Milan next Monday and will pursue his and mine enrolment at Bocconi University.
Yesterday after work, I went again to the German regulars' table at a London pub where a bunch of people (German community living/working in London) meet every Thursday. I was accompanied by a German colleague of the company I work here in London and after a couple of pints, we decided to move to another "special" pub. ;-)
In the end...today I had a horrible hang-over....and came late for work ;-(
Tomorrow I'll get a four days visit of another friend of mine though I suppose I won't have a lot time to write into my diary over the weekend.
How exciting!
I just came back from my interview related to a job position outside the UK for this summer.
Since I am still working in London, the company representatives decided to pursue the interview via a video conference from their headquarters which is based in London.
.....uuuuuuhhhh....it was really an unusual and exciting experience although in my opinion I don't know if I did a good job during the conversation.
Well, I'll have to wait until next week when they will tell me whether or not I am promoted to the next interview round.
Fingers crossed!
This is amazing. It's even better than the German office game "Moorhuhn"....it's "Smack the pinguin!" and offers a lot of fun!
My highscore was 519.9 m.....who is gonna beat me??? ;-)
The story about this most recent kind of virus alert, the bird flu disease - in my point of you - seems to develop the same way like the SARS issue last year.
At the beginning, nobody took it for serious although cases were illustrated in TV news and national newspapers since the end of last year.
The spread of bird flu seems to be alarming at the moment.
Just yesterday, even the Shanghai authorities admitted the first bird flue case in the city. Hence, the authorities did announce entry/exit inspections on potential bird flu affected goods.
Time will show, if Asian authorities gonna handle this issue in a more efficient way compared to the handling of the SARS outbreak last year.
Fingers crossed....
It's amazing how the time passes so quickly. It's almost my fourth month in London which means that I am on my last four weeks in the UK.
So far I am not regretting being here, but nevertheless I am looking forward to Milan.